Quiz 15: Reading Comprehension 2

There are 10 questions in this quiz and each question has only one true answer. You can check the answers and learn the result of your quiz after you finish the test.

    Answer the questions 1 – 5 according o the text below.

    My name is Elvis Evans. I am twelve years old and I am from Manchester in England. I really like sport, especially football, and my favourite football team is Manchester United. I think Manchester United is the best football team in England.

    My favourite thing is my bike. I have got a fantastic bike. It is old but it is very good. I like cycling with my friends. There are a lot of parks in Manchester and they are great places to cycle.

    My father is a doctor. He has got a new car. It is an electric car. It is very clean and quiet but very expensive. It is in the garage now.

    My mother is a lawyer. She is blonde an slim. She has got blue eyes. She can speak three languages. English, Turkish and German. I haven’t got any brother or sister. I am alone and it is very boring.

  1. Which one is Elvis’ favourite thing?
    Manchester United
    electric car

  2. Elvis’ bike is very old but _______________.
    very good
    great places

  3. Which one isn’t mentioned in the text?
    Elvis’ mother is blonde.
    There are a lot of parks in Manchester.
    Elvis’ mother hasn’t got a car.
    Elvis’ father has got an electric car.

  4. Which one is true according to the text?
    Manchester United plays in the parks .
    Elvis hasn’t got any brother or sister.
    Elvis’mother is very boring.
    Elvis’ father’s car is very cheap.

  5. Which one is false according to the text?
    Manchester United is a football team.
    Elvis’ bike is very old.
    The electric car is in the garage now.
    Elvis hasn’t got any friends.

  6. Answer the questions 6 – 10 according o the text below.

    Suzy is ten years old. Her little brother Ricky is five years old. Their mother is a teacher. Suzy also wants to be a teacher. Suzy likes reading and writing. She often reads books in her room. But her brother Ricky isn’t a very quiet boy. He is very noisy. Suzy can’t often read her book. Her brother often wants to play with Suzy and Suzy thinks it is very boring.

    Suzy is doing her homework now. Her homework is about water. She thinks water is very important for us. We drink it every day. We use it to cook and clean things. We can’t live without water. There isn’t enough water in the world. Please don’t waste much water.

  7. Who is Ricky?
    Ricky is Suzy’s little brother.
    Ricky is Suzy’s father.
    Ricky is Suzy’s teacher.
    Ricky is Suzy’s mother.

  8. Why can’t Suzy read?
    Because she likes reading.
    Because she is doing homework.
    Because her brother is very noisy.
    Because her mother is not a teacher.

  9. What is Suzy’s homework about?
    little brother
    reading books

  10. Why do people use water?
    People use water to cook and to clean things.
    People use much water.
    There isn’t enough water in the world.
    Please don’t waste much water.

  11. Water is very important for us because _________.
    It is homework.
    Suzy likes her little brother.
    Ricky isn’t a quiet boy.
    We drink it every day.

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